Bits and pieces of it all!
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Life now vs. then!
Life has definitly taken a 90 degree turn from Rad. school, but who says 4 hrs. of sleep isn't enough??? When it comes to the weekend...who want's to catch up on their sleep? There are people to see, social drinks to be taken, beaches to be laid on-with sun to soak up, and music to be heard.......Sleep....I'm still living without much of it!

Don't worry mom and dad; Who said College wasn't about studying?
Even though we had our play time, we all remember, (or those of us still at it-know all too well!) how much dedication and mental/physical exhasusting hours of work we put in to get where we are now. In Rad. school we had the "all bearing" Karen Miller's class - her tests at 8Am were nothing less than a RUDE awakening! With Judy Cook's MR. BUCKY (hey, admit it-at times good ol' Mr.Bucky helped!) and Kim Utley's "these really are not as hard as you guy's are making them!" physics formulas, face it-We all had to study....and study hard.

And you thought Rad. school was difficult??????
All I can say now is that if you thought Rad. school kept you from a normal life.....THINK AGAIN! I am now in Ultrasound school and I can honestly say that I have associated "Windy" and "Dying" in the same phrase. U/S is no joke...don't even begin to think you know what goes on in the body just because you made it through x-ray! We are only in our 1st semester, we attend class about 40 hrs a week (that's not the bad part!), and literally study a good 4-5 hrs a night! Study groups are no longer "drink a beer, throw the softball, review a few postitions" time, they are now "sit at the table, everyone break out the 45lbs. bookbag, and get your coffee' ready" time!

Give me some time-and I will have this site finialized. Due to school, work, and lack of any sort of life outside of that right now, this site may take a lil' time to finish....But keep checking it out for updates weekly!
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